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We offer classes about parenting and family relationships open to all Wisconsinites. Many of our classes are approved by the Wisconsin Registry for early childhood educator continuing education hours.
Questions? Email us at families@extension.wisc.edu.
Raising a Thinking Child
Raising a Thinking Child helps adults build problem solving skills in children aged 4 to 7 years. This is a 6 class series offered virtually and in person throughout the year.
Wisconsin Registry hours available.
Triple P: Positive Parenting Program
The Triple P: Positive Parenting Program gives parents and caregivers practical tools to build strong relationships, manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems from happening in the first place. We offer classes for parents and caregivers of children, teens, including those with disabilities, and for those going through separation or divorce. Classes are offered virtually and in person.
Wisconsin Registry hours available.
The Literacy Link
The Literacy Link offers a variety of programs and resources for parents in jail and prison and their young children. These include a recorded book read program from jail, a parenting program, parent-child correspondence kits, and more! These programs are offered in person at county jails and select prisons.
Focus on Fathers
Focus on Fathers helps dads and other caregivers build their child’s social and emotional skills. This is a series of monthly virtual classes designed for dads and open to all.
Co-Parenting classes are for parents and caregivers going through separation, divorce, or custody changes. These classes help you reduce conflict and support your family’s well-being during big changes. We offer a variety of virtual and in person classes.
Raising Wisconsin’s Children
Raising Wisconsin’s Children is a monthly class on a variety of parenting topics. Get practical, research-based parenting ideas while connecting with other parents. Help children grow. We also offer a free, annual virtual parenting conference each winter.
Wisconsin Registry hours available.

Strong Couples
The Strong Couples program is a combination of educational classes and coaching designed to strengthen your romantic relationship by boosting your communication and problem-solving skills. It includes 6 self-paced modules and 5 brief coaching sessions. Free and backed by research.
Early Childhood Educator Continuing Education
Continuing education classes for early childhood professionals. Don’t want to travel? Pull up a comfortable chair and join us on the web! The webinars are offered once a month from October through April. Provided by the Fit and Healthy Kids team through a partnership with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Wisconsin Registry hours available.
Looking for more resources?
We have a library of resources that are free and accessible for all parents and caregivers. Many resources are available in Spanish.
Our resources include information about how children learn, grow, and develop. We also offer research-based information about positive parenting and healthy family relationships.