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Co-Parenting: Supporting Parents and Children During Big Changes
Are you living apart while parenting together? Has the custody of your children changed? Join our classes designed to reduce conflict and support family well-being during big changes.

Parents Forever™
An educational program for parents and caregivers experiencing separation, divorce, or a change in custody.
About the Program
Parents Forever™ is an educational program for parents that are separating, divorcing, or changing custody of their children.
After the Parents Forever™ program, you will be able to:
- Describe the family transition journey
- Recognize the importance of self-care and the parent-child bond for child well-being
- Identify internal and external resources to help you thrive during big changes
How Do I Sign Up?
Join us in your local community or online. Classes are free or low-cost. Click here to find a class.
The Parents Forever™ program may meet the requirement for court mandated co-parenting classes for divorcing parents. Please confirm with your county before registering.

Resilient Co-Parenting
A series of monthly classes for parents and caregivers raising children together while living apart.
About the Classes
The Resilient Co-Parenting classes are for parents or caregivers who are raising their children together while living apart. These classes are a source of ongoing support for co-parents as they continue their journey. Anyone can join!
Class topics include:
- Having difficult conversations
- Helping children with strong emotions
- Coping with stress during big changes
Click here to view a full list of class topics and dates.
How Do I Join a Class?
All class are free. Join us the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM. Classes are virtual on Zoom. Register here.

Triple P for Family Transitions
About the Program
Are you experiencing a separation or divorce? Find out how to manage your big change while supporting your children.
This series of five classes includes:
- Coping with your emotions
- Talking with your children about separation
- Managing conflict with a co-parent and more
Big changes can be stressful. Having the right tools can help. Join us.
How Do I Sign Up?
We offer Triple P Family Transitions online. Find a class here.
How to Register For a Parents Forever™ or Triple P for Family Transitions Program
Extension Educators offer online and in-person Parents Forever™ and Triple P for Family Transitions programs.
Online Programs
We offer several programs virtually, online each year. Click here to find an online Parents Forever™ or Triple P for Family Transitions program open to all parents and caregivers in Wisconsin.
In-Person Programs
The below counties offer in-person Parents Forever™ programs. Click on the county name to find the next available class.