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Babies & Toddlers

Babies & Toddlers
Practical, research-based information for parents and caregivers with babies and toddlers.
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How to parent babies and toddlers
Do you wonder about how your baby is growing? Struggle to parent your toddler? Then these age-paced answers about child development and parenting are for you!

How to help toddlers with language and reading
Before they speak or read, babies and toddlers learn about talking and reading. Get ideas for how to help toddlers with language and reading. These helpful guides will walk you through helping your child learn to read between the ages of 3 months and 36 months.
How to help toddlers with strong feelings
Emotion coaching helps kids and adults through strong feelings. This short video series helps parents understand and respond to big emotions.

How to understand your child’s personality
Your child is unique. And may be different from you! Understand how to parent children based on their temperament or personality.
How to care for kids with a parent in jail or prison
If you know a child who has a parent in jail or prison, this is for you. Learn about visitation, communication, and co-parenting during a parent’s time in jail or prison.

Parenting Children of All Ages

View Our Entire Parenting Library
View our library of free parenting resources. Whether you’re brushing up on info about how children grow or have a specific challenge in mind, our resources are science-based and practical.

Parenting in Five Minutes or Less
Want a quick way to learn more about your kid? Browse short videos for tips on how to parent through everyday challenges. Find 60+ videos that are five minutes or less.
Parenting by Age
Find the best information for your child based on their age