Fathers play unique roles in the lives of children and their engagement and financial support is important for child well-being and development. However, many fathers without custody experience barriers to spending time with their children, including confusion about their fatherhood role, difficulty navigating the legal system, and conflict with the child’s other parent.
To help support these fathers, we are developing a new Extension program for fathers whose children do not live with them full-time. This new program will provide these fathers with peer support from other fathers and will cover topics such as custody arrangements, child support, and navigating relationships with the child’s other parent. We are currently in the process of developing this program and are seeking fathers who are interested in providing feedback and trying out the program. See the flyer below. Contact focusonfathers@sohe.wisc.edu for more information. Click here to sign up.

We also offer several resources about fathering in Wisconsin, including:
- A fatherhood needs assessment published in 2023
- A series of monthly classes for dads about supporting their children’s social and emotional skills
- A podcast for dads who are in jail or prison