Home » Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference 2025 » Ashley Bowers
Ashley Bowers

The Power of Connection: the Importance of Early Relationships for all Future Health and Wellness
Learning objectives:
- Learn why the first five years lay a critical foundation for all future learning and development
- Understand the important role adults play in supporting the developing brains of infants and young children
- Learn practical strategies for supporting early relational health and wellbeing
Ashley has worked professionally with children and families for the past 10+ years, initially as Parenting Specialist, Family Therapy Resident and subsequently as a fully credentialed Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has a wealth of direct service experience in non-profit outpatient mental health as a clinician and mental health consultant to several Milwaukee based early childhood home visiting programs and Milwaukee Public Schools. Her experience as a systemically trained psychotherapist has served to elevate her interests to focus work in early childhood development as a means to enact lasting change during one of the most critical times in the human lifespan with a firm belief in the idea it is easier to build strong children than heal wounded adults.