eParenting® Little Ones


We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Smart phones, social media, touch pads, video games, and computers are a constant presence in the lives of most families. This new program takes a look at the ways in which these technologies can play a positive role in child development and parent-child interaction.

Developed by University of Wisconsin — Extension family living educators and specialists for parents of 0-5 year olds or “little ones, this program highlights how digital media can be used to enhance parenting skills and support kids’ growth and development. Participants will be able to

  • describe how the brains and self-regulation skills of little ones are developing,
  • summarize the parenting styles that best support this development,
  • share how digital media can be a positive parenting tool to support young children’s development.

You can access eParenting® Little Ones in three formats.

  1. 2-Hour Workshop: eParenting® Little Ones is a 2-hour, face-to-face curriculum developed for parents of 0-5 year olds. The curriculum focuses on how digital media can be used to enhance parenting skills and build a secure connection between children and all their parents and caregivers. Contact your local Family Living Educator to learn when a workshop will be offered near you.
  2. Short Video Series: eParenting® Little Ones is also available as a short video series. For the video series, the curriculum has been condensed short 1-3 minutes videos highlighting specific ways technology can positively be incorporated into parenting little ones.
  3. Workshop Recording: A session of the eParenting® Little Ones 2-hour workshop was also recorded. You can watch the edited version if you are unable to attend an in-person version of the workshop.

We hope you find eParenting® Little Ones to be a valuable resource!

Learn More

Please contact Pattie Carroll (patricia.carroll@wisc.edu) to learn more about eParenting® Little Ones.

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