Articles > Babies & Toddlers

Parenting Future Readers 3 – 4 Months

Parenting tips

Talking to your baby about the world around them is the best way to help them learn language.

Just describe what you and your baby see around you.

For example, while going for a walk with your baby you stop to point to a dog and say, “Look at the doggie!”

Baby talk

Baby talk is a natural way that parents (or even older siblings) speak to babies. Just…

  • raise the pitch of your voice
  • speak slowly
  • use short sentences
  • repeat words.

This kind of talk helps baby learn new words.

Babies prefer “baby talk” to regular adult talk.

Talking to your baby helps show them that you love them.

Did you know that…

📙Even though your baby can’t talk yet, they are still learning to understand words. This is the first step in developing language. That is why it is important that you talk with your baby even though your baby can not talk back to you.

📙 Parents who talk more with their babies have smarter babies.

📙 At 3- or 4-months babies are just starting to make cooing sounds. Whenever your baby does that, respond as if they are making words.

What can you do?

Talk often to your baby

Talk often with your baby about whatever you and they are doing. For example, when you are changing diapers, feeding baby, giving baby a bath, or fixing dinner, explain what is happening.

While changing diapers you might say to your infant, “Here’s a nice new diaper to make you all clean and dry. How does that feel?”

Sing lullabies to your baby and tell them nursery rhymes.

Let your baby know you hear them

Let baby know you hear them. Respond to their coos or gurgles as if they are starting to talk with you. For example, when your baby says “Ahhh” while you are giving them a bath you might smile and say, “You really enjoy the warm bath water. It feels so nice.”

Responding to your baby shows them you are interested in what they have to say, even though they don’t use real words.

Interact with baby

Put your baby on your lap facing you. Lean toward them, smile and talk playfully. Stop and see if they respond.

As often as possible try to interact with your baby. Look at them while you are interacting with them.

If your baby smiles, smile back. If they make a sound, repeat the sound back to them. Baby will be so excited!

This shows them that you love them and are paying attention to them.

This will them build a healthy self-esteem.

Woman cheek to cheek with infant

Ideal books to share with baby

Picture books with bright colorful pictures and no words.

Books should be cloth, vinyl or cardboard.


Updated by Nancy Schultz and Robert Nix, PhD., UW-Madison/Extension based on material written by Carol Ostergren, PhD and Dave Riley, PhD.


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